Pagoda Blog

Security Tip: Cybersecurity for Electronic Devices

October 20, 2016



Cybersecurity extends beyond computers.

In past blog posts, we’ve discussed how the human element is the most vulnerable to security breaches. Humans are what allow cyber criminals to take over technology. With technology advances in the last 10 years we have to consider security for not only computers, but cell phones, tablets, video games, car navigation systems and now smart watches and VR devices. If a computer is hacked, all of the data stored locally and in the cloud is at risk. This is an unfortunate event for anyone, but it becomes even more taxing when an individual stores corporate information on their computers.


Types of electronics that are vulnerable.

Any electronic equipment that uses a computerized component is vulnerable to software attacks. The risk goes up significantly if the device is connected to the internet in some way that would allow an attacker to gain access remotely.


Image from:

How can you protect yourself?

  • Keep software up to date - This is key. If your software provider implements an update (or a patch), you want to make sure that you are updating regularly to keep up with them. Not updating can mean leaving yourself vulnerable to attacks that the software developer has previously fixed.
  • Disable remote connectivity - Mobile devices are sometimes equipped with remote wireless access like bluetooth that can be used to connect to other devices or computers. Make sure to disable bluetooth connectivity when it is not in use.
  • Encrypt files - Encrypting files can be done easily. Make sure you have your smart devices password protected when unlocking them. Any important information on your computer should also be password protected.  
  • Be cautious of public Wi-Fi networks - Public Wi-Fi is very risky. Before you connect to any public wireless hotspot, verify that the name and password are the same as what the staff of the local establishment provide. If possible, do not shop online or log in to your bank account, and only use sites that begin with ‘https://’ if you must engage in shopping or other transactions.
  • Remember physical security - Don’t lose your devices! Keeping your devices close to you at all times or securing them under lock and key is still one of the most effective ways to keep hackers from stealing your information.
  • Use good passwords - Culturally we have gotten better at this in the last few years. Keep passwords that are a combination of upper case, lower case, characters, numbers and letters. You can also use an encrypted password storing system like ‘keychain’ or ‘lastpass’ to keep track of all your passwords.


About Pagoda Technologies IT services

Pagoda Technologies is a globally recognized IT support company doing business in Santa Cruz, San Jose and all over the world who is working to help businesses and their IT departments run smoothly and efficiently. To learn how Pagoda Technologies can help your business, email us at to schedule a no cost business assessment.


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